What to Expect

In a world that tends to pull individual family members in many different directions, we strongly encourage families to worship together. In our gatherings you will likely see a variety of kids of all ages sharing a common worship experience with their biological and spiritual parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters and cousins.
Relaxed Atmosphere
True to the style of Western Colorado, Sunday morning attire is generally fairly casual ranging from t-shirts and jeans to coats and ties. Please dress in what is most comfortable for you.
Guests will not be singled out, but will be given the opportunity to quietly observe and engage however you feel led.

Freedom in Worship
During our times of corporate worship we generally sing contemporary worship music, and throughout the service you are invited to participate however you best worship the Lord. You are free to stand or sit, sing or simply reflect on the words with your hands lifted up, clapping, or quietly folded. Whatever expression of worship you choose, the important thing is that you give your praise and glory to the Lord.

Each week, as the central part of our gatherings, we pause to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. During these special moments to remember Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, two elements are available: small pieces of unleavened bread representing His body given over to death and small cups of grape juice representing His innocent blood shed for the forgiveness of sin. (Matthew 26:26-28; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
You and your family are free to partake as you see fit.
To help young children creatively engage with the Sunday morning worship and message, clipboard boxes are available on a cart near the back of the auditorium with crayons and a few extra sheets of paper. Magnetic doodle boxes are also available as an alternative for your young ones.
During the morning message, for any families who are interested, we also have Children's Church available for kids who are walking through age 11.
For the smallest of our young people, a cry room is available where mom can quietly care for her sleeping or fussy baby. This room is equipped with rocking chairs, a changing station, and a closed-circuit television to help mom remain connected with the gathering in the auditorium.

Tithes & Offerings
Like many other churches, giving to the Lord is a part of our worship. Our guests are not expected to give, but you are free do so if you choose. There will be no formal collection made during our services. But if you would like to give, please place your offerings in the collection boxes that are placed along the back walls of the auditorium or give online or through the Church Center app (available on Google Play or the App Store).